Ladies and Gentlemen let’s take a moment and get to know our next member of our 2019 Senior Model team. Kiersten does some boxing for exercise so we brought out the buckets of water to do some awesome action shots. You’ll have to ask her to show some of them. Can’t wait to see what we do for her 2nd session, it’s gonna be a blast!
Deyo’s Photography: What are you passionate about?
Kiersten: I am passionate about learning, books, music, and fitness.
Deyo’s Photography: What activities do you participate in at your High School and outside of school?
Kiersten: I am in NHS, German Honors Society, I am an FULA Activity Director, HOSA State Officer, Math Honor Society Secretary, Mustang Ambassador, and Peer Tutor
Deyo’s Photography: What are you Binge Watching right now?
Kiersten: Friends, every time I’m on the treadmill.
Deyo’s Photography: If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead, who would it be and why?
Kiersten: Ellen because I love her show and she is such an inspiring individual.
Deyo’s Photography: What are your plans after High School?
Kiersten: I Plan on attending college and then medical school afterwards. I dream of becoming a Pediatric Oncologist.
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